You love to spend time in your kitchen, but over time the beautiful wood cabinets have become discolored, chipped, scratched or just worn out. Would you like to have it restored to its original beauty with a durable finish that won’t discolor again?
The Interior Cosmetics Solution!
Interior Cosmetics can make your wood cabinets beautiful again with a durable, attractive and PERMANENT conversion varnish finish that matches—or enhances—the original look of your kitchen, WITHOUT STRIPPING. We’ll do it without the inconvenience and expense of buying new cabinets, with a minimum of disruption to your life and family. Plus, all Interior Cosmetics finishes feature the same lustrous, durable catalyzed conversion varnish finish used by the most expensive custom-crafted cabinet makers.
Make no mistake! This is not your one day $699 water-borne clear finish with a foam brush type of kitchen enhancement. Our finishes will far outlast what is likely on your cabinets right now. Our process, and our workmanship, is based on a 40 year long career turned into an art form.
Your Next Step to Beautiful Cabinets
Take a moment to look around the website and find out how easy it is to have beautiful cabinets again. Then click on the Contact Us button and let us know you want to get started!